Outline of the state of Maryland filled with images of people of different ages, gender identities, and ethnic backgrounds laughing and smiling


Our mission is to understand and address tobacco use among Black and Latine LGBTQ+ people ages 12-30 years old in Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties in the state of Maryland. We provide resources to organizations that serve Black and Latine LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.

Our team includes a community of diverse individuals—some who identify as LGBTQ+, Black, Latine, as well as public health prevention advocates and scholars committed to supporting tobacco prevention among Black and Latine LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.

Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this project is a collaboration between the University of Maryland Prevention Research Center (UMD-PRC), the UMD Center for Health Literacy and the Maryland Department of Health.

This report was supported by Maryland Department of Health Grant No. #M00B4600035  awarded to the University of Maryland Prevention Research Center by the MDH Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control (CTPC). Paid for (in full or in part) by Maryland Cigarette Restitution Funds. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the MDH, CTPC, or the CDC.

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