quit using tobacco

When you’ve decided to quit using tobacco, there are tools available to you that can make the process easier.

Use the nationwide and statewide resources below to take steps towards becoming tobacco free.

  • Stop Smoking Quit Program

    The program provides culturally and linguistically appropriate information on the dangers of using tobacco products, nicotine addiction, and tobacco quit programs and therapies (medications and behavioral counseling) offered throughout Montgomery county.

    Tobacco Control Program

    This program consists of smoking quitting classes, patches, and gum to assist persons to quit smoking, and counseling sessions free of charge to Prince George’s County residents.

    Freedom from Smoking Quit Program

    Freedom From Smoking, the leading adult smoking quit program for over 30 years, shows you how to quit in a safe, supportive environment. You'll be given the tools and resources to overcome your tobacco addiction so you can enjoy the benefits of better health, extra money in your pocket, and healthier relationships.

  • QuitGuide

    This app helps you understand your smoking patterns and build the skills needed to become and stay tobacco free. Use the app to track your cravings by time of day and location, and get motivational messages for each craving you track.


    This app takes the information you provide about your smoking history and gives you tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges to help you become tobacco free and live a healthier life.

  • Call 1-800-QUITNOW or text READY to 200-400

    This is the national portal to a network of state quit lines.

    Text “VAPEFREE” to 873-373

    Live Vape Free is a free, confidential text message program to help young adults quit vaping with tips, videos, and support throughout the quitting process.

    Text QUIT to 47848

    Español: Text ESP to 47848

    Text MOM to 222888

    Text DITCHJUUL to 88709

learn more about quitting tobacco

Learn more about how one couple, Josh and Will, supported each other through quitting vaping.

Learn 7 ways to push past nicotine cravings.